Frequently Asked Questions
Let’s Answer your Questions
Do you have any questions? Kindly go through some of our most frequently asked questions and see if you can find your answer. If not, you are welcome to contact us anytime.
Do you have any questions? Kindly go through some of our most frequently asked questions and see if you can find your answer. If not, you are welcome to contact us anytime.
Are there any side effects while using these products after a chemical peel?
Peeling and redness may occur depending on the products. Skin renewing may cause flakiness. In case of dryness, you may use Vaseline.
Can I use my own brand of moisturizer while using your products after the chemical peel?
you may use any moisturizer of your choice - two weeks after using our products. However, your moisturizer may interfere with the process of clearing your skin due to unknown ingredients.
Can I buy these products in any local store?
Yes. Our products are exclusive and may be purchased on our website as well as at two of our locations in New York, and Florida. In our “contact us” you may find the addresses and phone numbers of these locations.
How long until my skin will clear up?
You may start seeing results in as little as a week or two depending on your skin.
Can I use these products while pregnant?
These products are safe and may be used while pregnant. You may also purchase our “Pregnant liquid” in order to prevent hormonal changes in your skin during your pregnancy.
How long will it take for me to receive my order?
Please allow business 2-3 days of processing time before we ship out your order then additional 1-5 business days of shipping time in the USA, depending on the carrier service requested. For international orders, 7-14 business days after the processing time, depending on the location.
I don’t know which products to purchase, what do I do?
you may send a clear photo of your skin, and we will respond shortly with the products that are necessary for your skin type.
I have a few questions I would like to ask, who can I contact?
You may click the “Contact us” and see all possible ways to interact with us.
I buy from you a lot and would like to get some discounts. How can I get some coupons or special deals?
You may sign us to our “VIP Club” and receive many discounts, special offers, and sometimes even free products! You may also take a “selfie” photo of yourself with one of our products and you will be entered in our monthly raffle to receive a free kit. Good luck!
While using these products, can I go to the sun?
You may expose yourself to the sun as much as you desire as long as you use our24-hour sun protection. You will have full UVA and UVB coverage therefore you can tan away. Don’t forget that it is crucial to use sunscreen while using our products.
My son is a teenager and doesn’t have much acne. I just need something light to clear out his breakouts. Which product should I get?
Do I have to use all of these products in the kit to treat my age spots?
You may use only the “Bleach cream” however, please be aware that it will slow down the process and you may not get the same results as using the entire kit. Also, while purchasing the kit, you receive an extra 10% off so you get a good deal plus faster results. “It's two birds in one stone.” Good luck!
Can I use the stretch marks kit for older stretch marks or only new red ones?
You may use it for both new and old. It will renew your skin and improve your skin’s appearance.
Your pictures seem too good to be true. Are they real?
Our photos are 100% real. The photos on our website are of our clients who have used these products. You may click on ourtestimonials pageand see what our clients are saying about these products and their results while using them.
Are these products natural/organic?
Depending on the products you purchase. Some may be natural and organic and some are not. However, all of our products are 100% safe.